Land Use Amendment
The current land use on the property does not support residential development so a land use change is required. The Municipal Development Plan (MDP) also identifies our site as within a “Community Activity Centres” which requires:
A broad mix of uses and a concentration of jobs and population in strategic locations.
An opportunity to accommodate significant numbers of workers and residents in centres that are served well by public transit.
A broad range of ground-oriented and medium to high density apartment housing and a mix of housing tenure and affordability levels to accommodate a diverse range of population.
Our current building program proposes a mix of uses, community support spaces and amenities with upper-level apartments for families. Our development will offer a workplace and be home to a medium level density that will help utilize the surrounding infrastructure in a sustainable way into the future. This better aligns with the goals of the MDP’s “Community Activity Centres”. We are proposing a MU-1 designation with a density of plus or minus 20 units, an FAR of 2.0 and a height of 30 metres.